Make sure to stop by our booth!

Volunteer at our Booth!
Our booth at the State Fair is our only fundraiser for the year for our Youth Scholarship Program. Sales of honey, beeswax products and honey ice cream all go toward us being able to reward scholarships next year. We do this thru our amazing volunteers who work shifts at our booth during the fair. Please consider signing up to work a shift. You get into the fair for free and get a free cup of honey ice cream. Plus you get to show your excitement for beekeeping to people! Volunteer Today!
Bee Culture Entries
Did your bees make an interesting tasting honey? Do you make decorative candles and want to show off your skills? Why not enter your items in our Bee Culture Exhibit? A blue ribbon on your farmers market table helps sales!

Live Bees
Come explore the wondrous world of honey bees. Gaze into their world through 4 observation hives on display. See workers, drones, the queen, honey, pollen, brood.
Meet a real Queen!
The 2024 American Honey Queen Kaelyn Sumner is the daughter of Robert and Traci Sumner of Cecil, Wisconsin. She is a senior at Kansas State University majoring in Agricultural Education with minors in Food Science and Entomology. Kaelyn's interest in beekeeping began in FFA, where she has been nationally recognized for her specialty animal production project and her agriscience fair research. In her spare time, she enjoys crocheting, beadwork, spending time outdoors, baking, and learning more about honey bees.
Stop by our booth and say "Hi!" to Queen Kaelyn!

New in 2024!
Beekeeper In a Box.
Ever wanted to peek inside a live beehive? Want to see a queen? Possibly see baby bees being born? Come check out the UNL Bee Lab's Beekeeper In a Box!
Demo times will be posted and could change
We moved
Staring in 2023, our booth has moved location. We are not across the fairgrounds in the 4-H/FFA Fieldhouse. We are on the west end of the building.
Come on by with all your bee questions and snag some local honey, beeswax body products, soaps and of course, our delicious honey ice cream!